Portive Client
Upload a file or image to the Portive cloud.
When a file is uploaded using the uploadFile
method, it goes through several stages:
If it any point the upload fails, an Error is returned.
The method used to upload a file to the Portive cloud.
is an async function that returns the final upload state which can be either a success or an error. A number of callbacks can be passed in as options during different stages in the upload.
function uploadFile(options: {
client: Client
file: File
// before we get the upload policy
onBeforeFetch?: (e: UploadBeforeFetchEvent) => void
// once we start uploading to AWS S3
onBeforeSend?: (e: UploadBeforeSendEvent) => void
// progress updates
onProgress?: (e: UploadProgressEvent) => void
// error
onError?: (e: UploadErrorEvent) => void
// success
onSuccess?: (e: UploadSuccessEvent) => void
// Called on `error` or `success` event
onFinish?: (e: UploadFinishEvent) => void
}): Promise<UploadFinishEvent> {}
The uploadFile
method returns a Promise<UploadFinishEvent>
which represents either an error during the upload or a successful upload.
type UploadFinishEvent = UploadErrorEvent | UploadSuccessEvent
type UploadErrorEvent = {
type: "error"
message: string
file: File
clientFile: ClientFile
// Note: Omit `hostedFile` because error may come before it is available
type UploadSuccessEvent = {
type: "success"
file: File
clientFile: ClientFile
hostedFile: HostedFileInfo
Required instance of a Client
object created using the createClient method
Required instance of a File
The most common place to get one is from an <input type="file">
HTML Example:
<input id="fileinput" type="file" />
const input = document.getElementById("fileInput")
input.onchange = function (e) {
// get the file
const file = e.target.files[0]
React Example:
function MyComponent() {
function onChange(e) {
// get the file
const file = e.target.files[0]
return <input type="file" onChange={onChange}>
Called when the upload method is first executed. This callback is called before fetching the upload policy which is required for uploading the file to the servers but after the file has been determined to be either of type image
or of type generic
(not an image). If the file is determined to be an image
, we have also figured it's width and height. All this information can be found in the clientFile
object which is part of the UploadBeforeFetchEvent
type onBeforeFetch = (e: UploadBeforeFetchEvent) => void
export type UploadBeforeFetchEvent = {
type: "beforeFetch"
file: File
clientFile: ClientFile
// `hostedFile` does not exist until after we get the upload policy
Called after the upload policy has been fetched and right before sending the upload to the server. At this point, the destination url
is known and is provided as part of the hostedFile
type onBeforeSend = (e: UploadBeforeSendEvent) => void
export type UploadBeforeSendEvent = {
type: "beforeSend"
file: File
clientFile: ClientFile
hostedFile: HostedFileInfo
Called intermmitently during the upload. This event can be used to show a progress bar using the senteBytes
and `totalBytes
type onProgress = (e: UploadProgressEvent) => void
export type UploadProgressEvent = {
type: "progress"
file: File
clientFile: ClientFile
hostedFile: HostedFileInfo
sentBytes: number
totalBytes: number
Called if there is an error anytime during the upload process.
type onError = (e: UploadErrorEvent) => void
export type UploadErrorEvent = {
type: "error"
message: string
file: File
clientFile: ClientFile
// Note: Omit `hostedFile` because error may come before it is available
Called after a successful upload. At this point, the file exists on the cloud servers.
type onSuccess = (e: UploadSuccessEvent) => void
export type UploadSuccessEvent = {
type: "success"
file: File
clientFile: ClientFile
hostedFile: HostedFileInfo
Called when there is either an error or a successful upload. This method is like a finally
in a try/catch
statement. Whether there is an error or not, the onFinish
callback gets called. It is called either with an UploadErrorEvent
or an UploadSuccessEvent
type onFinish = (e: UploadErrorEvent | UploadSuccessEvent) => void